Saturday, 22 March 2014

How Do I Install Linux?

Here at Linode, you install Linux using the Linode Manager dashboard. By clicking a few buttons on our dashboard, you effectively accomplish the same thing as popping a Windows or Mac OS X installation CD into your computer.
Before we get to installing your Linux operating system, there's one more concept to introduce. Linux comes in quite a few different versions, known as distributions. It's a bit like Windows XP vs. Windows 8, except that the different Linux distributions aren't just upgraded versions of each other - they're different up-to-date (and out-of-date) flavorsof Linux. Different distributions install different default bundles of software. The differences between the Linux distributions aren't super important for a beginning user, so we won't get into them here; feel free to jump to the Distributions section at the end of this article or read more on your own if you're interested. For now, if you don't have a particular distribution in mind, we recommend installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. This distribution is good for Linux beginners, because it has a lot of support available and doesn't change too often.
Now you're ready to install Linux. We walk you through this process in the Getting Started article. Start at the beginning. When you get to the part where you need to choose your distribution from the dropdown menu, choose Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Work your way through the article until you finish the Booting Your Linode section....!

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